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Principal's Welcome


Education at Khrist Jyoti Academy is designed to meet the need of each individual student. In today’s scenario, I strongly feel that in this competitive world the role of a school is not only to pursue academic excellence but also to motivate and empower students to be life long learners, critical thinkers, as well as help them to be self - directed, realistic, and responsible decision makers in solving problems that they will encounter in our multi-cultural ever changing world.

          In KJA every teacher being a facilitator identifies the talents, skills, and abilities of each student and thus encourage them to reach their fullest potential.

       We are striving hard to make the best possible efforts to inculcate strong values combining with academics and extra-curricular activities. A student harnessed in such an atmosphere has every hope and possibility to shoulder responsibilities of the society of which he /she forms an integral part. Our school has continued to monitor, maintain and sustain all good practices and so our traditions are celebrated and promoted appropriately.

          We strongly believe in the importance of teachers, parents, and administrators collaborating and communicating openly and frequently. I would like to end my reflection stating that the parents are the most strengthening power in moulding the future of children and their consistent support empowers us to do more and more. I pay my sincere gratitude to them for their faith in us.

                Birendra Pal, Principal

Khrist Jyoti Academy is a co-educational school, affiliated to the Central Board Of Secondary Education (C.B.S.E.) and recognized by the Uttarakhand Board of Education, situated in Bhagwanpur, Haridwar District, Uttarakhand.


It was founded in 2004 as a literacy project initiative of Bharat Susamachar Samiti under the leadership of Mr. Dinesh Kumar. In 2006 it was formally decided to run it as a school seeing the great need in the region. It was started with 60 children and 4 teachers. Today the school caters to 585 students with 18 teaching and 15 non-teaching staff. Mr. Birendra Pal serves as the Principal of the school. The school provides quality oriented, and value based education.




Our mission is to be an academic centre to provide educational opportunities to all those who are deprived of formal education, and intentionally develop in them intellectual pursuit, productive and responsible behavior for nation building with excellence, harmony, self discipline and self reliance.


The aim of the school is to provide opportunities for all pupils to learn and to become productive citizens. The school curriculum aims to promote holistic development - moral, social, intellectual, cultural - of each child. It also aims to develop skills and talents of every pupil to achieve his / her full potential and successfully face challenges of life.



Our Long term goal:

We believe that education can change the destiny of a nation. Our vision is to build up a community / society based on legitimate rights, equity, justice, honesty, social sensitivity and a culture of service in which all are responsible, mutually accountable and self-reliant.

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Contact Us

© Khrist Jyoti Academy Bhagwanpur - 2023

Tel: +91 921 940 7121



Chudiyala Road, Village Bhagwanpur, District Haridwar, Uttarakhand 247661, India

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